Contribute to the XCM SDK
Get Started
To contribute to the XCM SDK, you'll first need to clone the GitHub repository:
Then, install dependencies:
Add an Asset
The first step in adding support for a new asset is to define the asset in the assets configuration file. At this stage, assets are not bound to any chain, you are only creating a representation of the asset.
Follow these steps:
- Open the
file - Create a new variable for your asset. You'll need to create an Asset Object, providing the
of the asset
export const INSERT_ASSET_NAME = new Asset({
key: 'INSERT_KEY',
For example, this is the configuration used for USDT:
- Add your asset to the
array at the end of the file
Assets are listed in alphabetical order. Please make sure you follow this order when adding new assets.
Add a Chain
The next step to support an asset integration is to add chain information for the chains in which your asset can be sent to and from to the chains configuration file.
To add a chain, take the following steps:
- Open the
file - Add your asset to the list of imported assets from the assets configuration file (
) -
Create a new variable for each chain if an entry doesn't already exist. You'll need to create a Chain Object, providing metadata related to the chain
new Parachain({ assetsData: [], // Optional - In the next step, you'll add assets here ecosystem: Ecosystem.INSERT_ECOSYSTEM_TYPE, // Optional genesisHash: 'INSERT_GENESIS_HASH', isTestChain: INSERT_BOOLEAN, // Optional key: 'INSERT_KEY', name: 'INSERT_NAME', parachainId: INSERT_PARACHAIN_ID, ss58Format: INSERT_SS58_FORMAT, usesChainDecimals: INSERT_BOOLEAN, // Optional ws: 'INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT', })
new EvmParachain({ assetsData: [], // Optional - In the next step, you'll add assets here ecosystem: Ecosystem.INSERT_ECOSYSTEM_TYPE, // Optional genesisHash: 'INSERT_GENESIS_HASH', id: INSERT_EVM_CHAIN_ID, isTestChain: INSERT_BOOLEAN, // Optional key: 'INSERT_KEY', name: 'INSERT_NAME', nativeCurrency: { decimals: INSERT_ASSET_DECIMALS, name: 'INSERT_ASSET_NAME', symbol: 'INSERT_ASSET_SYMBOL', }, parachainId: INSERT_PARACHAIN_ID, rpc: 'INSERT_RPC_ENDPOINT', ss58Format: INSERT_SS58_FORMAT, usesChainDecimals: INSERT_BOOLEAN, // Optional ws: 'INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT', })
For example, this is the configuration for the Polkadot Asset Hub:
export const polkadotAssetHub = new Parachain({ assetsData: [ ... ], ecosystem: Ecosystem.Polkadot, genesisHash: '0x68d56f15f85d3136970ec16946040bc1752654e906147f7e43e9d539d7c3de2f', key: 'Polkadot-asset-hub', name: 'Polkadot Asset Hub', parachainId: 1000, ss58Format: 42, ws: 'wss://', });
Add the newly created chain to the
array at the end of the file
Chains are listed in alphabetical order. Please make sure you follow this order when adding new chains.
Now that you've added the chain, you can continue to the next section to add the assets that this chain supports.
Configure a Chain's Assets
To designate a chain as a destination or source chain for an asset, you must specify the asset within the assetsData
array of the chain's configuration. This array outlines the supported assets on the chain, and the asset information within it determines how the asset is identified or targeted on that specific chain. For example, when adding a chain's native asset, you'll need to define how the chain sees its own asset, and when adding the asset to a destination chain, you'll need to define how the destination chain sees the asset.
To enable an asset to move between chains, follow these steps to configure the source and destination chains of an asset:
- In the
array of the source chain, you'll need to create a Chain Asset Data Object for the asset, specifying how the asset is seen on that chain
asset: INSERT_IMPORTED_ASSET, // The asset created in the previous section
balanceId: INSERT_CHAIN_ASSET_ID, // (Optional) The balance ID of the asset
decimals: INSERT_ASSET_DECIMALS // (Optional) The decimals of the asset
id: INSERT_CHAIN_ASSET_ID, // (Optional) Location of the asset on the chain. Different for every chain
metadata: INSERT_CHAIN_ASSET_ID // (Optional) The metadata of the asset
min: INSERT_MIN // (Optional) The minimum amount of the asset that is required to be left in the account
minId: INSERT_CHAIN_ASSET_ID // (Optional) The minimum ID of the asset
palletInstance: INSERT_PALLET_INSTANCE // (Optional) The pallet instance the asset belongs to
For example, this is the configuration for USDT on the Polkadot Asset Hub:
export const polkadotAssetHub = new Parachain({
assetsData: [
asset: usdt,
id: 1984, // The asset ID for USDT
palletInstance: 50, // The index of the Assets pallet (where USDT lives)
- In the destination chain's
array, create a Chain Asset Data Object that defines the asset as seen on the destination chain. This will be different than the source chain's configurations, as every chain manages assets differently
For example, to add support for USDT on Moonbeam, Moonbeam's chain configuration needs to include the configuration for USDT:
export const moonbeam = new EvmParachain({
assetsData: [
asset: usdt,
id: '311091173110107856861649819128533077277', // The asset ID of USDT on Moonbeam
The integration isn't complete yet; you'll need to define the methods used for cross-chain transfers for any new chains added. This will be covered in the following section.
Configure a Chain's Extrinsics
In this step, you have to create or update the configuration files of the chains between which you can transfer the asset. These files define the asset being transferred, the destination chain, information associated to fees, and builder functions. These builders define the pallets and methods necessary to achieve the specific goals of each type. They are as follows:
- Minimum Asset Builder - builds a query to retrieve the minimum amount of an asset required to be left in an account
- Balance Builder - builds a query to retrieve the balance of an asset for a given account
- Contract Builder - builds the contract call for the cross-chain transfer. This is specific to EVM chains that use contracts to interact with Substrate pallets for cross-chain transfers, such as Moonbeam's X-Tokens precompiled contract
- Extrinsic Builder - builds the extrinsic for the cross-chain transfer
- Fee Builder - builds the query to retrieve the fee for the execution of the cross-chain transfer
You will need to know which pallet and method each chain is using for its XCM transactions and for fetching asset balances, and make sure that said pallets and methods are already available in the xcm-builder package.
If they aren't available, feel free to open a PR or submit an issue on GitHub.
Assuming that all of the required pallets and methods are already supported, you can create the configuration file for the source chain:
- In the
directory, add a TypeScript file for the new chain - Use the following snippet as a starting point for adding the chain configuration:
import { INSERT_REQUIRED_BUILDERS } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-builder';
import { INSERT_REQUIRED_ASSETS } from '../assets';
import { AssetConfig } from '../types/AssetConfig';
import { ChainConfig } from '../types/ChainConfig';
// The chain config name should be formatted as: 'chainName' + 'Config'
export const INSERT_CHAIN_CONFIG_NAME = new ChainConfig({
assets: [], // In the next step, you'll add asset configs here
chain: INSERT_SOURCE_CHAIN, // The source chain
- As seen in the above example, an
array contains the chain's asset configurations. The asset configuration defines the asset being transferred, the destination chain, information associated with fees, and the builder functions. The builder functions must be used to build the queries or calls as if they were being executed from this chain.
You'll need to create an Asset Config object for each asset, for example:
new AssetConfig({
contract: INSERT_CONTRACT_BUILDER, // Optional
destinationFee: {
extrinsic: INSERT_EXTRINSIC_BUILDER, // Optional
fee: {
// Optional
xcmDeliveryFeeAmount: INSERT_FEE_AMOUNT, // Optional
- Add the newly created chain configurations to the
in thexcm-sdk/blob/main/packages/config/src/configs/index.ts
Chain configurations are listed in alphabetical order. Please follow this order when adding new chain configurations.
For example, to add support to transfer USDT from the Polkadot Asset Hub to Moonbeam, the Polkadot Asset Hub configuration file is as follows:
import {
} from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-builder';
import { usdt } from '../assets';
import { moonbeam, polkadotAssetHub } from '../chains';
import { AssetConfig } from '../types/AssetConfig';
import { ChainConfig } from '../types/ChainConfig';
const xcmDeliveryFeeAmount = 0.036;
export const polkadotAssetHubConfig = new ChainConfig({
assets: [ AssetConfig({
asset: usdt,
balance: BalanceBuilder().substrate().assets().account(),
destination: moonbeam,
destinationFee: {
amount: FeeBuilder()
.xcmPaymentFee({ isAssetReserveChain: false }),
asset: usdt,
balance: BalanceBuilder().substrate().assets().account(),
extrinsic: ExtrinsicBuilder()
fee: {
asset: dot,
balance: BalanceBuilder().substrate().system().account(),
min: AssetMinBuilder().assets().asset(),
chain: polkadotAssetHub,
You're almost there. With this configuration, you can send the asset one-way from the configured chain to the asset's specified destination chain. To send the asset back to the original source chain, you must update (or create) the specified destination chain's configurations. Considering the above example, the Moonbeam configuration file would need to be updated to transfer USDT from Moonbeam back to the Polkadot Asset Hub.
You must take the same steps in the destination chain's configuration file. If a configuration file does not exist, you must create one. Otherwise, update the chain's configuration file to include the asset configuration, as step three outlines.
For example, enabling USDT transfers from Moonbeam back to the Polkadot Asset Hub requires the following Moonbeam chain configuration:
import { BalanceBuilder, ContractBuilder } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-builder';
import {
} from '../assets';
import {
} from '../chains';
import { AssetConfig } from '../types/AssetConfig';
import { ChainConfig } from '../types/ChainConfig';
export const moonbeamConfig = new ChainConfig({
assets: [
new AssetConfig({
asset: usdt,
balance: BalanceBuilder().substrate().assets().account(),
contract: ContractBuilder().Xtokens().transfer(),
destination: polkadotAssetHub,
destinationFee: {
amount: 0.7,
asset: usdt,
balance: BalanceBuilder().substrate().assets().account(),
fee: {
asset: glmr,
balance: BalanceBuilder().substrate().system().account(),
chain: moonbeam,
And that's it! You now know how to add new assets and chains and configure the chains that an asset can be sent to and from. To ensure that you've properly set everything up, read on to the next section.
Test New Configurations
The SDK is configured to work for most parachains in the Polkadot ecosystem. However, any given chain might have a different or particular way of requesting a specific piece of information, for example, if it uses unconventional pallets or different methods for existing pallets.
You can use the following queries to ensure that the new configurations have been properly set up.
- From here, we extract thedecimals
and theminBalance
: -
- Here, we get thedecimals
- This is the standard way of querying the existential deposit for most chains
Most cases are considered already, but for newly integrated chains, this data might be queried by a different pallet or function. You can check if the pallet is supported in the Polkadot Service file.