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Moonbeam XCM SDK Reference: Methods

The SDK provides an API that enables you to get asset information for each supported asset, the source chains where a given asset can be sent from, and, given a source chain, the supported destination chains where the given asset can be sent. The SDK also includes helper methods related to transferring cross-chain assets, such as getting an estimated amount of the asset the destination account will receive, less any execution fees, and asset conversion methods based on the asset and the number of decimals it has. All of these enable you to transfer assets across chains easily and seamlessly.

The following sections cover the available methods in the XCM SDK.

Initialize the SDK

Sdk() - Exposes the methods of the XCM SDK. Must be called first to access other SDK methods.


  • options? SdkOptions - Allows you to specify an evmSigner or polkadotSigner


  • assets function - Provides an entry point to building the data necessary to transfer an asset between a source chain and a destination chain
  • getTransferData function - Builds the data necessary to transfer an asset between a source chain and a destination chain
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
  assets: [Function: assets],
  getTransferData: [AsyncFunction: getTransferData]

The Get Transfer Data Method

getTransferData() - Builds the data necessary to transfer an asset between a source chain and a destination chain.


  • destinationAddress string - The address of the receiving account on the destination chain
  • destinationKeyorChain string | AnyChain - The key or Chain data for the destination chain
  • evmSigner? EvmSigner - The signer for Ethereum-compatible chains that use H160 Ethereum-style accounts. Can be an Ethers signer or a viem Wallet Client
  • keyOrAsset string | Asset - The key or Asset data for the asset being transferred
  • polkadotSigner? PolkadotSigner | IKeyringPair - The Polkadot signer or Keyring pair
  • sourceAddress string - The address of the sending account on the source chain
  • sourceKeyOrChain string | AnyChain - The key or Chain data for the source chain


  • Promise<TransferData> - The assembled transfer data, which includes the following:

  • destination DestinationChainTransferData - The assembled destination chain and address information

  • getEstimate function - Gets the estimated amount of the asset that the destination address will receive
  • isSwapPossible boolean - Returns whether or not the swap is possible
  • max AssetAmount - The maximum amount of the asset that can be transferred
  • min AssetAmount - The minimum amount of the asset that can be transferred
  • source SourceChainTransferData - The assembled source chain and address information
  • swap function - Swaps the destination and the source chains and returns the swapped transfer data
  • transfer function - Transfers a given amount of the asset from the source chain to the destination chain
Example Usage
const transferData = await Sdk().getTransferData({
  destinationAddress: 'INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS',
  destinationKeyOrChain: 'moonbeam',
  keyOrAsset: 'dot',
  sourceKeyOrChain: {
    key: 'polkadot',
    name: 'polkadot',
    type: 'parachain',
  destination: {
    balance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    chain: {
      ecosystem: 'polkadot',
      isTestChain: false,
      key: 'moonbeam',
      name: 'Moonbeam',
      type: 'evm-parachain',
      assetsData: [Map],
      genesisHash: '0xfe58ea77779b7abda7da4ec526d14db9b1e9cd40a217c34892af80a9b332b76d',
      parachainId: 2004,
      ss58Format: 1284,
      usesChainDecimals: false,
      weight: undefined,
      ws: 'wss://',
      id: 1284,
      rpc: ''
    existentialDeposit: {
      key: 'glmr',
      originSymbol: 'GLMR',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 18,
      symbol: 'GLMR'
    fee: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 20080321n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    min: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
  getEstimate: [Function: getEstimate],
  isSwapPossible: true,
  max: {
    key: 'dot',
    originSymbol: 'DOT',
    amount: 0n,
    decimals: 10,
    symbol: 'DOT'
  min: {
    key: 'dot',
    originSymbol: 'DOT',
    amount: 20080321n,
    decimals: 10,
    symbol: 'DOT'
  source: {
    balance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    chain: {
      ecosystem: 'polkadot',
      isTestChain: false,
      key: 'polkadot',
      name: 'Polkadot',
      type: 'parachain',
      assetsData: Map(0) {},
      genesisHash: '0x91b171bb158e2d3848fa23a9f1c25182fb8e20313b2c1eb49219da7a70ce90c3',
      parachainId: 0,
      ss58Format: 0,
      usesChainDecimals: false,
      weight: undefined,
      ws: 'wss://'
    destinationFeeBalance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    existentialDeposit: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 10000000000n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    fee: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 163633495n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    feeBalance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    max: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    min: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
  swap: [AsyncFunction: swap],
  transfer: [AsyncFunction: transfer]

The Assets Method

assets() - Provides an entry point for building the data necessary to transfer an asset between a source chain and a destination chain.


  • ecosystem? Ecosystem - Specify the ecosystem for a set of assets: polkadot, kusama, or alphanet-relay


  • assets Asset[] - A list of the supported assets
  • asset function - Sets the asset to be transferred. Refer to the following section on how to continue to build the transfer data using the asset function
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const assets = sdkInstance.assets();
  assets: [
    { key: 'aca', originSymbol: 'ACA' },
    { key: 'alan', originSymbol: 'ALAN' },
    { key: 'ampe', originSymbol: 'AMPE' },
    { key: 'aseed', originSymbol: 'aSEED' },
    { key: 'astr', originSymbol: 'ASTR' },
  asset: [Function: asset]

Build the Transfer Data Starting with Assets

When building transfer data with the Sdk().assets() function, you'll use multiple methods to build and send the underlying XCM message.

The Asset Method

asset() - Sets the asset to be transferred. Must call assets() first.


  • keyOrAsset string | Asset - The key or Asset data for the asset being transferred


  • sourceChains AnyChain[] - A list of the supported source chains for the specified asset
  • source function - Sets the source chain to transfer the asset from
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const sourceData = sdkInstance.assets().asset('dot');
  sourceChains: [
      ecosystem: 'polkadot',
      isTestChain: false,
      key: 'moonbeam',
      name: 'Moonbeam',
      type: 'evm-parachain',
      assetsData: {
        'aca' => {
          asset: { key: 'aca', originSymbol: 'ACA' },
          id: '224821240862170613278369189818311486111'
        'astr' => {
          asset: { key: 'astr', originSymbol: 'ASTR' },
          id: '224077081838586484055667086558292981199'
      genesisHash: '0xfe58ea77779b7abda7da4ec526d14db9b1e9cd40a217c34892af80a9b332b76d',
      parachainId: 2004,
      ss58Format: 1284,
      usesChainDecimals: false,
      weight: undefined,
      ws: 'wss://',
      id: 1284,
      rpc: '',
      nativeCurrency: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: 'GLMR',
        symbol: 'GLMR'
      ecosystem: 'polkadot',
      isTestChain: false,
      key: 'polkadot',
      name: 'Polkadot',
      type: 'parachain',
      assetsData: Map(0) {},
      genesisHash: '0x91b171bb158e2d3848fa23a9f1c25182fb8e20313b2c1eb49219da7a70ce90c3',
      parachainId: 0,
      ss58Format: 0,
      usesChainDecimals: false,
      weight: undefined,
      ws: 'wss://'
  source: [Function: source]

The Source Method

source() - Sets the source chain from which to transfer the asset. Must call asset() first.


  • keyOrChain string | AnyChain - The key or Chain data for the source chain


  • destinationChains AnyChain[] - A list of the supported destination chains for the specified asset and source chain
  • destination function - Sets the destination chain to transfer the asset from
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const destinationData = sdkInstance.assets().asset('dot').source('polkadot');
  destinationChains: [
      ecosystem: 'polkadot',
      isTestChain: false,
      key: 'moonbeam',
      name: 'Moonbeam',
      type: 'evm-parachain',
      assetsData: {
        'aca' => {
          asset: { key: 'aca', originSymbol: 'ACA' },
          id: '224821240862170613278369189818311486111'
        'astr' => {
          asset: { key: 'astr', originSymbol: 'ASTR' },
          id: '224077081838586484055667086558292981199'
      genesisHash: '0xfe58ea77779b7abda7da4ec526d14db9b1e9cd40a217c34892af80a9b332b76d',
      parachainId: 2004,
      ss58Format: 1284,
      usesChainDecimals: false,
      weight: undefined,
      ws: 'wss://',
      id: 1284,
      rpc: '',
      nativeCurrency: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: 'GLMR',
        symbol: 'GLMR'
  destination: [Function: destination]

The Destination Method

destination() - Sets the destination chain to which to transfer the asset. Must call source() first.


  • keyOrChain string | AnyChain - The key or Chain data for the destination chain


  • accounts function - Sets the source address, the destination address, and the signer(s) required for the transfer
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferDataWithoutAccounts = sdkInstance
{ accounts: [AsyncFunction: accounts] }

The Accounts Method

accounts() - Sets the source address, the destination address, and the signer(s) required for the transfer. Must call destination() first.


  • sourceAddress string - The address of the sending account on the source chain
  • destinationAddress string - The address of the receiving account on the destination chain
  • signers? Partial(signers) - The EVM or Polkadot signers required to sign transactions


  • Promise<TransferData> - The assembled transfer data, which includes the following:

  • destination DestinationChainTransferData - The assembled destination chain and address information

  • getEstimate function - Gets the estimated amount of the asset that the destination address will receive
  • isSwapPossible boolean - Returns whether or not the swap is possible
  • max AssetAmount - The maximum amount of the asset that can be transferred
  • min AssetAmount - The minimum amount of the asset that can be transferred
  • source SourceChainTransferData - The assembled source chain and address information
  • swap function - Swaps the destination and the source chains and returns the swapped transfer data
  • transfer function - Transfers a given amount of the asset from the source chain to the destination chain
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,
  destination: {
    balance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    chain: {
      ecosystem: 'polkadot',
      isTestChain: false,
      key: 'moonbeam',
      name: 'Moonbeam',
      type: 'evm-parachain',
      assetsData: [Map],
      genesisHash: '0xfe58ea77779b7abda7da4ec526d14db9b1e9cd40a217c34892af80a9b332b76d',
      parachainId: 2004,
      ss58Format: 1284,
      usesChainDecimals: false,
      weight: undefined,
      ws: 'wss://',
      id: 1284,
      rpc: ''
    existentialDeposit: {
      key: 'glmr',
      originSymbol: 'GLMR',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 18,
      symbol: 'GLMR'
    fee: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 20080321n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    min: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
  getEstimate: [Function: getEstimate],
  isSwapPossible: true,
  max: {
    key: 'dot',
    originSymbol: 'DOT',
    amount: 0n,
    decimals: 10,
    symbol: 'DOT'
  min: {
    key: 'dot',
    originSymbol: 'DOT',
    amount: 20080321n,
    decimals: 10,
    symbol: 'DOT'
  source: {
    balance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    chain: {
      ecosystem: 'polkadot',
      isTestChain: false,
      key: 'polkadot',
      name: 'Polkadot',
      type: 'parachain',
      assetsData: Map(0) {},
      genesisHash: '0x91b171bb158e2d3848fa23a9f1c25182fb8e20313b2c1eb49219da7a70ce90c3',
      parachainId: 0,
      ss58Format: 0,
      usesChainDecimals: false,
      weight: undefined,
      ws: 'wss://'
    destinationFeeBalance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    existentialDeposit: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 10000000000n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    fee: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 163633495n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    feeBalance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    max: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    min: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
  swap: [AsyncFunction: swap],
  transfer: [AsyncFunction: transfer]

Consume Transfer Data

The Swap Method

swap() - Returns the transfer data necessary to swap the asset from the destination chain back to the source chain.




  • Promise<TransferData | undefined> - If the swap is not possible, undefined is returned. If the swap is possible, the assembled transfer data is returned, which includes the following:

  • destination DestinationChainTransferData - The assembled destination chain and address information

  • getEstimate function - Gets the estimated amount of the asset that the destination address will receive
  • isSwapPossible boolean - Returns whether or not the swap is possible
  • max AssetAmount - The maximum amount of the asset that can be transferred
  • min AssetAmount - The minimum amount of the asset that can be transferred
  • source SourceChainTransferData - The assembled source chain and address information
  • swap function - Swaps the destination and the source chains and returns the swapped transfer data
  • transfer function - Transfers a given amount of the asset from the source chain to the destination chain
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,

const swapData = await transferData.swap();
  destination: {
    balance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    chain: {
      ecosystem: 'polkadot',
      isTestChain: false,
      key: 'polkadot',
      name: 'Polkadot',
      type: 'parachain',
      assetsData: Map(0) {},
      genesisHash: '0x91b171bb158e2d3848fa23a9f1c25182fb8e20313b2c1eb49219da7a70ce90c3',
      parachainId: 0,
      ss58Format: 0,
      usesChainDecimals: false,
      weight: undefined,
      ws: 'wss://'
    existentialDeposit: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 10000000000n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    fee: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 520000000n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    min: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
  getEstimate: [Function: getEstimate],
  isSwapPossible: true,
  max: {
    key: 'dot',
    originSymbol: 'DOT',
    amount: 0n,
    decimals: 10,
    symbol: 'DOT'
  min: {
    key: 'dot',
    originSymbol: 'DOT',
    amount: 10520000000n,
    decimals: 10,
    symbol: 'DOT'
  source: {
    balance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    chain: {
      ecosystem: 'polkadot',
      isTestChain: false,
      key: 'moonbeam',
      name: 'Moonbeam',
      type: 'evm-parachain',
      assetsData: {
        'aca' => {
          asset: { key: 'aca', originSymbol: 'ACA' },
          id: '224821240862170613278369189818311486111'
        'astr' => {
          asset: { key: 'astr', originSymbol: 'ASTR' },
          id: '224077081838586484055667086558292981199'
      genesisHash: '0xfe58ea77779b7abda7da4ec526d14db9b1e9cd40a217c34892af80a9b332b76d',
      parachainId: 2004,
      ss58Format: 1284,
      usesChainDecimals: false,
      weight: undefined,
      ws: 'wss://',
      id: 1284,
      rpc: '',
      nativeCurrency: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: 'GLMR',
        symbol: 'GLMR'
    destinationFeeBalance: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    existentialDeposit: {
      key: 'glmr',
      originSymbol: 'GLMR',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 18,
      symbol: 'GLMR'
    fee: {
      key: 'glmr',
      originSymbol: 'GLMR',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 18,
      symbol: 'GLMR'
    feeBalance: {
      key: 'glmr',
      originSymbol: 'GLMR',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 18,
      symbol: 'GLMR'
    max: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
    min: {
      key: 'dot',
      originSymbol: 'DOT',
      amount: 0n,
      decimals: 10,
      symbol: 'DOT'
  swap: [AsyncFunction: swap],
  transfer: [AsyncFunction: transfer]

The Transfer Method

transfer() - Transfers a given amount of the asset from the source chain to the destination chain.


  • amount bigint | number| string - The amount of the asset to transfer between the source and destination chains


  • Promise(string) - The transaction hash for the transfer on the source chain
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,

const transferTxHash = await transferData.transfer();

The Get Estimate Method

getEstimate() - Returns an estimated amount of the asset that will be received on the destination chain, less any destination fees.


  • amount number | string - The amount of the asset to transfer between the source and destination chains


  • AssetAmount - An estimated amount of the asset that the destination address will receive
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,

const estimate = transferData.getEstimate(1);
  key: 'dot',
  originSymbol: 'DOT',
  amount: 9979919679n,
  decimals: 10,
  symbol: 'DOT'

Asset Utilities

The AssetAmount class contains the following utility functions.

The From Asset Method

fromAsset() - Creates an AssetAmount instance from an Asset and some additional parameters.


To use the fromAsset method, you'll need to import it from the xcm-types package. To install the xcm-types package, run the following:

npm i @moonbeam-network/xcm-types


  • asset AssetAmount - An AssetAmount instance to compare
  • params AssetAmountParams - Additional parameters needed to create the AssetAmount instance. The AssetAmountParams are as follows:
  • amount bigint - Identifies a particular amount of the asset (i.e., balance, minimum, maximum, etc.)
  • decimals number - The number of decimals the asset has
  • symbol string - The symbol of the asset



  • AssetAmount - The new AssetAmount instance
Example Usage
import { Asset, AssetAmount } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-types';

const dot = new Asset({
  key: 'dot',
  originSymbol: 'DOT',
const zeroAmount = AssetAmount.fromAsset(dot, {
  amount: 0n,
  decimals: 10,
  key: 'dot',
  originSymbol: 'DOT',
  amount: 0n,
  decimals: 10,
  symbol: 'DOT'

The Is Same Method

isSame() - Compares two instances of AssetAmount and checks whether they have the same name, symbol, and decimals properties. This method does not compare the amount properties.


  • asset AssetAmount - An AssetAmount instance to compare


  • boolean - true if the AssetAmount instances are the same or false if they are different
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,

const isSame = transferData.max.isSame(transferData.min);

The Is Equal Method

isEqual() - Compares two instances of AssetAmount and checks whether they have all of the same properties. This compares the name, symbol, decimals, and amount properties.


  • asset AssetAmount - An AssetAmount instance to compare


  • boolean - true if the AssetAmount instances are the same or false if they are different
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,

const isEqual = transferData.max.isEqual(transferData.min);

The Copy With Method

copyWith() - Creates a new instance of AssetAmount with properties of the original instance and overrides properties that are passed as options.


  • params Partial<AssetAmountConstructorParams> - The properties to apply to the new AssetAmount instance. The AssetAmountConstructorParams are as follows:
  • amount bigint - Identifies a particular amount of the asset (i.e., balance, minimum, maximum, etc.)
  • decimals number - The number of decimals the asset has
  • symbol string - The symbol of the asset


  • AssetAmount - The new AssetAmount instance
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,

const estimate = transferData.getEstimate(1);
const estimateCopy = estimate.copyWith({ amount: 2 });
  key: 'dot',
  originSymbol: 'DOT',
  amount: 2n,
  decimals: 10,
  symbol: 'DOT'

The To Decimal Method

toDecimal() - Converts an AssetAmount to a decimal. The number to convert to decimal format and the number of decimals the asset uses are pulled automatically from the AssetAmount.


  • maxDecimal? number - The maximum number of decimal places to use. the default is 6
  • roundType? RoundingMode - Accepts an index that dictates the rounding method to use based on the RoundingMode enum:
enum RoundingMode {
  RoundDown = 0,
  RoundHalfUp = 1,
  RoundHalfEven = 2,
  RoundUp = 3


  • string - The given amount in decimal format
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,

const estimate = transferData.getEstimate(1);
const estimateAmount = estimate.toDecimal();

The To Big Number Method

toBig() - Converts an AssetAmount to a big number.




  • Big - The given amount in big number format
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,

const fee = transferData.destination.fee.toBig();

The To Big Decimal Method

toBigDecimal() - Converts an AssetAmount to a decimal and then to a big number. The number to convert to decimal format and the number of decimals the asset uses are pulled automatically from the AssetAmount.


  • maxDecimal? number - The maximum number of decimal places to use. the default is 6
  • roundType? RoundingMode - Accepts an index that dictates the rounding method to use based on the RoundingMode enum:
enum RoundingMode {
  RoundDown = 0,
  RoundHalfUp = 1,
  RoundHalfEven = 2,
  RoundUp = 3


  • Big - The given amount in big number decimal format
Example Usage
import { Sdk } from '@moonbeam-network/xcm-sdk';

const sdkInstance = Sdk();
const transferData = await sdkInstance
    INSERT_POLKADOT_ADDRESS, // Source chain address
    INSERT_MOONBEAM_ADDRESS, // Destination chain address
      evmSigner: INSERT_EVM_SIGNER,
      polkadotSigner: INSERT_POLKADOT_SIGNER,

const fee = transferData.destination.fee.toBigDecimal();