pub trait Config: Config + Config + TypeInfo {
Show 16 associated items type AccountIdToH160: Convert<Self::AccountId, H160>; type AssetIdFilter: Contains<AssetId>; type EvmRunner: Runner<Self>; type ConvertLocation: ConvertLocation<Self::AccountId>; type ForeignAssetCreatorOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = OriginType>; type ForeignAssetFreezerOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = OriginType>; type ForeignAssetModifierOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = OriginType>; type ForeignAssetUnfreezerOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = OriginType>; type OnForeignAssetCreated: ForeignAssetCreatedHook<Location>; type MaxForeignAssets: Get<u32>; type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>; type WeightInfo: WeightInfo; type XcmLocationToH160: ConvertLocation<H160>; type ForeignAssetCreationDeposit: Get<<<Self as Config>::Currency as Currency<<Self as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>; type Balance: Member + Parameter + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + MaxEncodedLen + TypeInfo; type Currency: ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId>;
Expand description

Configuration trait of this pallet.

The main purpose of this trait is to act as an interface between this pallet and the runtime in which it is embedded in. A type, function, or constant in this trait is essentially left to be configured by the runtime that includes this pallet.

Consequently, a runtime that wants to include this pallet must implement this trait.

Required Associated Types§


type AccountIdToH160: Convert<Self::AccountId, H160>


type AssetIdFilter: Contains<AssetId>

A filter to forbid some AssetId values, if you don’t use it, put “Everything”


type EvmRunner: Runner<Self>

EVM runner


type ConvertLocation: ConvertLocation<Self::AccountId>


type ForeignAssetCreatorOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = OriginType>

Origin that is allowed to create a new foreign assets


type ForeignAssetFreezerOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = OriginType>

Origin that is allowed to freeze all tokens of a foreign asset


type ForeignAssetModifierOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = OriginType>

Origin that is allowed to modify asset information for foreign assets


type ForeignAssetUnfreezerOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = OriginType>

Origin that is allowed to unfreeze all tokens of a foreign asset that was previously frozen


type OnForeignAssetCreated: ForeignAssetCreatedHook<Location>

Hook to be called when new foreign asset is registered.


type MaxForeignAssets: Get<u32>

Maximum numbers of differnt foreign assets


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>

The overarching event type.


type WeightInfo: WeightInfo

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.


type XcmLocationToH160: ConvertLocation<H160>


type ForeignAssetCreationDeposit: Get<<<Self as Config>::Currency as Currency<<Self as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>

Amount of tokens required to lock for creating a new foreign asset


type Balance: Member + Parameter + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + MaxEncodedLen + TypeInfo

The balance type for locking funds


type Currency: ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId>

The currency type for locking funds

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.


impl Config for Runtime

impl Config for Runtime

impl Config for Runtime