Expand description

A Proxy in this context is an environmental trait implementor meant to be used for capturing EVM trace events sent to a Host function from the Runtime. Works like:

  • Runtime Api call using environmental.
  • Runtime calls a Host function with some scale-encoded Evm event.
  • Host function emits an additional event to this Listener.
  • Proxy listens for the event and format the actual trace response.

There are two proxy types: Raw and CallList.

  • Raw - used for opcode-level traces.
  • CallList - used for block tracing (stack of call stacks) and custom tracing outputs.

The EVM event types may contain references and not implement Encode/Decode. This module provide mirror types and conversion into them from the original events.




  • Allow to configure which data of the Step event we want to keep or discard. Not discarding the data requires cloning the data in the runtime which have a significant cost for each step.



  • Main trait to proxy emitted messages. Used 2 times :
