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§Parachain Staking

Minimal staking pallet that implements collator selection by total backed stake. The main difference between this pallet and frame/pallet-staking is that this pallet uses direct delegation. Delegators choose exactly who they delegate and with what stake. This is different from frame/pallet-staking where delegators approval vote and run Phragmen.


There is a new round every <Round<T>>::get().length blocks.

At the start of every round,

  • issuance is calculated for collators (and their delegators) for block authoring T::RewardPaymentDelay rounds ago
  • a new set of collators is chosen from the candidates

Immediately following a round change, payments are made once-per-block until all payments have been made. In each such block, one collator is chosen for a rewards payment and is paid along with each of its top T::MaxTopDelegationsPerCandidate delegators.

To join the set of candidates, call join_candidates with bond >= MinCandidateStk. To leave the set of candidates, call schedule_leave_candidates. If the call succeeds, the collator is removed from the pool of candidates so they cannot be selected for future collator sets, but they are not unbonded until their exit request is executed. Any signed account may trigger the exit T::LeaveCandidatesDelay rounds after the round in which the original request was made.

To join the set of delegators, call delegate and pass in an account that is already a collator candidate and bond >= MinDelegation. Each delegator can delegate up to T::MaxDelegationsPerDelegator collator candidates by calling delegate.

To revoke a delegation, call revoke_delegation with the collator candidate’s account. To leave the set of delegators and revoke all delegations, call leave_delegators.



  • Helper methods for computing issuance based on inflation
  • The pallet module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed to construct this pallet.
  • traits for parachain-staking
  • Types for parachain-staking
  • Autogenerated weights for pallet_parachain_staking

