Cancel pending request to adjust the collator candidate self bond
Cancel request to change an existing delegation.
Cancel open request to leave candidates
Increase collator candidate self bond by more
DEPRECATED use delegateWithAutoCompound
If caller is not a delegator and not a collator, then join the set of delegators
If caller is a delegator, then makes delegation to change their delegation state
If caller is not a delegator and not a collator, then join the set of delegators
If caller is a delegator, then makes delegation to change their delegation state
Sets the auto-compound config for the delegation
Bond more for delegators wrt a specific collator candidate.
Enable/Disable marking offline feature
Execute pending request to adjust the collator candidate self bond
Execute pending request to change an existing delegation
Execute leave candidates request
Force join the set of collator candidates.
It will skip the minimum required bond check.
Temporarily leave the set of collator candidates without unbonding
Rejoin the set of collator candidates if previously had called go_offline
Hotfix to remove existing empty entries for candidates that have left.
Join the set of collator candidates
Notify a collator is inactive during MaxOfflineRounds
REMOVED, was schedule_leave_delegators
REMOVED, was execute_leave_delegators
REMOVED, was cancel_leave_delegators
Request by collator candidate to decrease self bond by less
Request bond less for delegators wrt a specific collator candidate. The delegation’s
rewards for rounds while the request is pending use the reduced bonded amount.
A bond less may not be performed if any other scheduled request is pending.
Request to leave the set of candidates. If successful, the account is immediately
removed from the candidate pool to prevent selection as a collator.
Request to revoke an existing delegation. If successful, the delegation is scheduled
to be allowed to be revoked via the execute_delegation_request
The delegation receives no rewards for the rounds while a revoke is pending.
A revoke may not be performed if any other scheduled request is pending.
Sets the auto-compounding reward percentage for a delegation.
Set blocks per round
Set the commission for all collators
Set the annual inflation rate to derive per-round inflation
Set the inflation distribution configuration.
Deprecated: please use set_inflation_distribution_config
Deprecated: please use set_inflation_distribution_config
Set the expectations for total staked. These expectations determine the issuance for
the round according to logic in fn compute_issuance
Set the total number of collator candidates selected per round